Carrie Ramig's profile

Introduction to Metal Smithing

This ring is sterling silver and copper. I took a piece of sterling silver and drilled holes of various sizes into it. I then soldered a piece of copper along the middle. After that, I soldered the ring shut. Once shut, I hammered the piece to be the appropriate size. Since it is a mildly wide ring, I curved the edges a bit wider so that it would be more comfortable for the wearer. 
This piece is made of of copper metal and dyed Jasper beds. The 'leaf' shape was originally two pieces of wire that I flattened and soldered together. I then used wire wrapping techniques to attach the Jasper.
This is Copper, Labradorite, and a Turquoise cabochon. I made two of these pendants originally thinking they would become earrings. However, since this was my first bezel experience, they stones did not end up in the exact same spots on both pieces and so I turned each into a pendant. We only had access to silver solder, hence the silver showing on the piece. When I have my own studio, I think I would prefer to have this piece to only have copper on it. I was not pleased with that aspect. Over all though, I felt my first bezel job went really well and I learned a lot for next time.
This ring is sterling silver with a Sodalite stone, My first day in class, I decided I wanted to twist some wire into some sort of ring. After doing that, I decided I did not enjoy the simple braided look and thought it needed something more. It wasn't until the last day of class when I added the stone and put the final touches on this ring. I am very pleased with how this piece turned out. I took the time to polish it and get a good bezel setting.
I used pewter and what I am told to be Moonstone. I was told when I bought this stone that it was a Moonstone, but research has lead me to think otherwise. If anyone has insight as to what stone this is, I would greatly appreciate the help.I began working on the piece by measuring a piece of pewter to fit around the stone. Then I soldered the pewter shut. Once shut, I drilled holes on either side of the pewter to fit with the holes in the stone. I then took a piece of pewter wire, flattened one edge, and fit it into the band and stone. Lastly, I formed an eyehole for a potential chain to fit through.
Copper and Moonstone. I measured a piece of copper to fit around the stone. Then I soldered the copper shut. Once shut, I drilled holes in either side and fit it around the stone. I then took another piece of copper and flattened one side, slipped it through the soldered piece and the stone. I then formed an eyehole for the stone to act as a pendent.
This bracelet was a simple heating and bending project. I took copper wire and molded it so that it would be an adjustable cuff.
Introduction to Metal Smithing

Introduction to Metal Smithing

This project was completed while during a metalsmithing class I took out of the Brookline Arts Center.
